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the flesh of the fish
that moist, pink, succulent meat
becons me coyly
a man depriv'd of
enemies becomes a thing
bereft of purpose
emptiness, the void
desiring to be full, of
longing overflows
that, which having been,
though time and tide obscure all,
cannot be undone
one's concept of self
blindly accepted as so
must not be sounded
pretentious haiku
profound dwells at the finding
denied those who seek
to believe is choice
incredulity prudence
oness personal
pajama gram is
victoria's secret for
for repressed people
knowledge leaves a mark
the known as a catalyst
affects he who knows
four lines in eight parts
divide equally the whole
many eat the pie
echos, memories,
monuments, and scars: human
detritus deceives
man is made of meat
quicken'd of fear and desire
best by them not rul'd
is truimph of id over
the superego
lasting, must be spent
to watch so much pass it by
but still to linger
haiku requires that
inspiration i find my
apathy dispells
let's all have a call
wherein we can multitask:
doing less with more!
the only thing one
can posess is time, alas
for time is fleeting
those who will not do
with their hands' minds will never
grasp what must be done
observe, imagine,
conceive, plan, build, review, and
finally accept
to do is to be
for having been i have done
but meaning eludes
the moments when one
thinks one is completely fuck'd
give one's life the lie
thoughts require no time;
thinking's the space between thoughts;
bliss nothing at all
contemplation is
the root of desire, therefore
the cause of sorrow
mindless toil deafens
those with industrious souls
to the hammer-song
an act of worship
intended as conference
on one's self bestows
effluvium red
purple's own prerogative
'neath firmament blue
need makes imperfect;
by creating; perfection
is oblivion
dawn, in breaking night
does not end her reveries,
he seals them sacred
pierce the veil and you
find another awaits: from
unknown to unknown
take the frontal lobes
they only cause me problems
leave me some pudding
consume i consume
i consume i consume i
consume i consume
i learn'd: understanding is
a change in the meat
what is here to be?
still? the horror is that you
always will have been
giving excessive
attention to how one feels
prevents contentment
does the squirrel think
hoarding for winter's prudent
or just know to do
ev'ry thing i know
and all i hold dear are vast
give all the water
you like to a drowning man
it will not save him
needing is needful
without need there is no must
for must needs needing
expecting too much
is not the same mistake as
asking too little
fearsome lusty sea
writhing from confinement is
the water of life
at sanity's edge
most turn back, some press on, and
a rare few break ground
that, which in the end
remains, demonstrates for us
all the could have been
in the amoeba
is apparent all of life's
certainty becomes
a bastard, denying he
is the son of cause
there is a moment
crystalline, unknowable
that it comes to be
verdant, succulent
fauna: ardently vital
of being artless
to make, grow, or fix
are the roots of all that is
honorable work
once there was a time
and come what may, which will be,
that time is over
without the doing
the illusion of purpose
starts to dissipate
if life is dinner
don't let it be a hot dog
it should be tapas
seeing all the parts
in a vista all at once;
the see'r must be god
those trees that bend best
best resist winds: strength is in
rebound not hardness
a lion's regal
bearing and power do not
create it noble
giving is ruling
receiving accepts that rule
boon playing boson
life exists between
the unravelling edge and
if i come to know
the purpose for which i am
i must cease to be
love is not what one
says or feels or hopes, but what
one chooses to do
people cling to life
not out of love, but because
they are used to it
on the threshold of
destruction all things fulfill
the urge that spawned them
the gossamer thing
that straining sees is not made
more true by longing
the continuum
fades; cascading failure will
refresh the needful
embrace life as a
new lover and her sister,
death, as an old friend
i forgot the words
to convey rumination
by way of haiku
stand, and be counted
for your measure will be made
standing or kneeling
young men think honor
lives in glorious moments
old men know better
no matter the scale
the void fills with being and
being longs for more
during the green hour
when whispers can overwhelm
time has no meaning
you may form the world
by your strength of will but not
as a catalyst
we are made in strife;
bourne through it, refin'd by it,
and it is our doom
government is god's
gift to man for what almost
happen'd at babel
honest toil deserves
respect and is an honor
no title commands
wisdom can be found
in anything if you take
the time to see it
as one is the thread
and the spinner so all are
both cloth and weaver
through rushes and calms
being surges ever on
being fills its cups
to the measure and the depth
that living provides
to set the words down
offends the muse; permanence
cannot be inspired
a man is not whole
but being form'd incomplete
knows not how to be
sanity is the
greatest coincidence of
our insanity
spin too many plates
on too many sticks and learn
how to use a broom
lighten up and do
the doing is more honest
than thoughts in the void
the fuel comes and goes
the spark is even more brief
the piston remains
until i grant your
assumptions, your logic is
imagine a day
with its glory or despair
today is that day
having, from making
as abomination clears
the joy from doing
for hammers to fall
and form the world once again
they must be lifted
the rhythm of life
belies continuity
not one, but many
salmon swim upstream
admirably defiant
still, they end up dead
make complex life possible
but, what do they want
truth only affects
the function of the results
not the decisions
is only systematic
well, there was something
i thought it was important
i can't remember
all men are vassal
as chosen, so beholden
freedom is binding
the meaning eludes
but the importance is known
we must meet to talk
where ever i am
i am not ev'rywhere else
one is mostly not
work is investment
a job builds no equity
so the west will fail
the time is finite
but the journey otherwise
so, damn the engines
with no teeth, a gear
like a tiger, has only
one utility
success is achiev'd
through the accretion of one's
incomplete failures
with dedication
and purity of purpose
one becomes mighty
perforce defines us
sleep comes, for dreams must
subject reality to
the rule of Sobek
the mind of god is
ev'ry possible event
this is but one such
oh, captain red-shirt
how is it you spend yourself
choose or dissipate
stretch a man enough
and his ego becomes clear
so that he can see
stop light by proxy
acquires authority from
brake light's promise kept
we, as i, speak of
my concept of us as though
edges make us one
do not seek surety
no solace has certainty
save oblivion
man is an iceberg
in the light and in shadow
forever melting
things must be broken
to know their strength: let us hope
we prove strong enough
breathe become hollow
emptiness yearns to be full
allow for nothing
when the void is pure
the stillness a sacred place
enter and abide
there to be master
holding the horrors at bay
wrest them to the grave
sentience forgets
to live, infinitively
thinking of thinking
oh prandial joy
carbohydrates declare it
let there be pastry
pray, do not confuse
the turning one might want with
that which one must choose
thankless, the ninja
is only remembered
when something goes wrong?
craven hoplophobe
no proclamation serves to
diminish your shame
neither ways nor means
suffice for freedom, only
the mast'ry of fear
no more the sentence
well-crafted or otherwise
kill'd by bullet points
the most noble deed
earns no honor, sacrifice
by nature is mute
argentine iron
newly smelted and ductile
is full of promise
this chain of events
extends through the horizons
ending only now
death compels us all
none have mastery of it
life merely beckons
i saw them speaking
the space betwixt pregnant with
within the lattice
the data forces itself
between all the points
gravity defies
all attempts to integrate
universal force
damocles' blade looms
in endless iterations
it falls only once
i have come to fear
that the songs good to sing are
no so good to hear
depreciate cause
for it is impertinent
accept the effect
no haiku this week
too many things to process
but wait, what is this?
i see the faces
but must remember also
to perceive the hands
when there is no time
and poor work begets more work
then there is no time
sans joie de vivre
la contrainte pour survivre
la seule chose qui reste
living for something
is a nobler sacrifice
than dying for it
copacetic chimp
capering confidently
cannot comprehend
between opposites
and near to oblivion
lies something like peace
is there nothing left?
or do i desire it so?
why does it vex me?
where waves coincide
their urging becomes demand
who then can prevail?
measuring wisdom
is divining the prism
of the objective
glory is purpose
refin'd to a single point
in execution
float on the ether
while away whilst marching on
renew'd perspective
name no more heroes
nor decry any villain
treat with each as met
why is it for me
to acquire all those duties
cast off in neglect?
that i must not do
does not per force require that
i should not have done
from forgetfulness
the heart of longing espies
the id ascendant
wo Ãœbermenschen
nicht von den Göttern Befehl
es kommt aus dem Selbst
anger unblemish’d
a fire without inclusion
is cold fear at heart
water finds its place
with the vessel transcended
it remains the same
sanguine victory
separates paying the price
from counting the cost
fine composition
makes good on its promise but
not as expected
purpose fulfill'd
is a beauty to witness
effort vouchsafed
precious molecules
cascading chemistry calls
compelling the free
whatever you do
remember to never stop
at top dead center
sea shells bear witness
even when nothing is left
still something remains
classing the subsets
cross-referencing the known
allows abstract thought
once i was a child
memories are photographs
but of someone else
sad is perception
from interpretation not
reflective of state
for just a moment
the waves were coincident
need gave way to calm
as it grows colder
boots that usually squish
clop in their resolve
betrayal means trust
doubly painful because it
impugns one's judgment
truth does not matter
this moment's perception is
the only real thing
once one comprehends
the mechanics of the loom
the weave becomes choice
it is always wise
to understand one's own fear
not so to face it
reality is
in light of certain patterns
most improbable
elegant design
interoperable and
freedom is needed
so one may find one's virtue
not one's happiness
words are air, mixing
images are light, and light
changes with the times
man is a river
he goes where he is going
but is where he's been
in order to solve
first one must accept what is
know the attributes
one is an aspect
information is unique
matter's transition
i enter budgets
but they will not reconcile
it causes the angst
within a moment
of careful contemplation
a cosmos flowers
philosopher king
is very different from
king philosopher
tell me a story
speak a world into being
there you are a god
iron gives its all
all that which it was given
always, without fail
at the most holy
priests, altars, and offerings
cease to be distinct
for men to be peers
they must form a brotherhood
sharing common cause
beauty, as the storm
looks like sky rent by chaos
yet smells like order
prey may give its life
the predator, in return
gives that life meaning
sublime in thinness
force of being may become
awful in focus
it is what it is
conversely one considers
it is that it is
pain is of the mind
fatigue is in the body
man exists between
oh telemetry
do not deny me your voice
nor coy whisperings
sawyers ply their saws
to such ends that there are planks
what from lawyers' ply?
embrace life's labors
they add salt to living and
sweetness to leisure
love surveys itself
yet it beholds another
and self becomes means
no drop of water
is possess'd of destiny
yet the tide shall change
there is no control
one's influence conditions
only likelihood
seeking is the joy
finding, like having, is but
a necessity
i choose to believe
that mankind shall achieve grace
and therein purpose
my mistakes provide
a space to define myself
if i can grasp it
death is the payment
not for having liv'd a life
but for life to be
i can know my worth
only by my impact on
that which i value
the water, it knows
being there from end to end
but feeling nothing
in certain uncertainty
can not may is must
say, lonesome road cone
abandon'd at the shoulder
how come you to this
i am now a shell
a remnant of those things that
I thought I might be
the ache in waiting
at the edge of suspicion
is like awe at dawn
as I am told, kill'd the cat
but it makes the man
air is a puzzle
yielding both calm and livid
always prevailing
who, like a wave's peak
beholding the land must crest
forgetting the sea
symbols and numbers
immiscible fluids swirl
broth cognition's soup
eviscerated squashes
waylay fear with flesh
stone at land's end knows
victory in each moment
even in defeat
one cannot win but
one can lose in newly found
interesting ways
one must not value
the rule higher than the need
that brought it about
contemplate clockwork's
admirable elegance
a loss to be mourn'd
time in mind is space
needful for improving one's
walmart teaches me
sometimes about others but
mostly about me
my enemy is
but an avatar for my
self i will not see
load equalizes
sufficient incompetence
taints all those involv'd
when i think of them
i build a wall; forgetting
they are us to them
the wise are aware
the blessed undisturb'd yet
all are lost at sea
absolute fineness
is often valued over
the love in the craft
whilst i have my thoughts
perhaps instead the truth is
that my thoughts have me
that which i behold
becomes all that there is, still
so much is hidden
the vanishing point
of meaning and artifice
has always been faith
thus far, it appears,
i have perceiv'd little and
comprehended less
some things, i have seen
in immutable cosmos
i have caus'd to be
endeavors must in time yield
to stoicism
people can believe
without cause, despite reason
with perfect purpose
one can be convinc'd
mov'd, believe; so to master
born fear and desire
brav'ry is the choice
'txixt unbearable losses
made in the mettle
all amazement lies
beyond imagination
waiting for a choice
why does it matter?
see in this moment, the next
now is forever
one becomes adult
by learning to serve a goal
one can never see
seeking to die well
one might find that one lives well
who is happiest
one that has what he wants or
one without desire
with every choice
one's options are winnow'd down
until there are none
that which is most sought
to become reality
cannot be the goal
kindness is selfish
and selfishness is not kind
but what do i learn
like surface ripples
the remains of our lives are
wakes in the cosmos
struggles long waiting
chrysalis rouses at last
to dreams on the wing
what would i purchase
out of all that i might want
if it cost my life
each choice has a cost
and all things have their value
but price is neither
lightning is the sky
venting its anxiety
back on to the earth
building a process
streamlin’d, simple, and precise
opens a new way